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vedic sound bath


Sound and chanting are known to have many powerful healing effects read more

The sound of Vedic chanting utilises the beautiful resonating ancient language of Sanskrit

During a Vedic Sound Bath, you can relax and enjoy the benefits, without the need to learn how to make the sounds yourself.



to be confirmed





What to expect

Allow yourself to be bathed in sound for an hour and a half and be transported.  Plus you will be guided through a deep relaxing visualisation and some gentle breathing focus.


The aim is for deeper work on mind, body and emotions.


There is no need to be able to chant -

you will simply be bathed in the sound of Elaine's voice as you relax.



Via Zoom - see these attachment guidelines re Zoom.

Elaine will send you a Zoom link a few days before the class.



the class needs to be pre booked and paid in advance.

book with Elaine - in order to confirm your place

and receive payment details.

Once paid a class can't be refunded or exchanged for another date.



£8.50 per session


What to bring

you may wish to bring a blanket to keep warm & any sitting/lying equipment such as a yoga mat/block/cushion/meditation stool so you can sit or lie comfortably during the session.



no prior experience of chanting or yoga is needed.

All are welcome

contact Elaine for more info.


"we hope you will enjoy this sublime journey through sound"


- T K V Desikachar

Previous Workshops

November 2018 - healing

December 2018 - peace & light

March 2019 - power of sun

May 2019 - courage

July 2019 - personal well being

November 2019clarity & intellect

December 2019 - peace & light

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